24 July 2008

I have been nominated for a blog award:D

Catherine over at Confessions of a Scrapaholic (love that blog name :D) has nominated me for a Brillante Weblog award.

so here is the info

The rules of this award

1. The winner can put the logo on her/his blog

2. Link the person you received the award from.

3. Nominate at least 6other blogs to win this award.(orignally said 7 but could only think of 6 during my lunch break :D)

4. Put links of those blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated to receive this award.

So here goes....

1. Jules

2. Deb

3. Keri

4. Vicki Chrisman

5. Kimberly Crawford

6. http://patternpaperaddict.blogspot.com/


Vicki Chrisman said...

So nice! Thanks so much!

JulesinParadise said...

Thank you so very much Chris. I am so honored.

Tricia said...

CONGRATS!!! Thanks for getting back to me on where everyone is hanging out!

Deb said...

Thanks Chris!! You rock girl! Congrats to you!

August Monthly Challenge

  Welcome crafty stampers to today's Craft Room Therapy.  Today we are going to create with this month's new challenge!  This month ...