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Showing posts from May, 2008

Gone Fishing and Fantastic News

Praying for safe tavel, non-eventful week, and no storms! This is where we are going! and a pic from our dock! have a great week all!! And for the NEWS! Did you notice the new Blinkie?? I am Officially Designing now for KNK ! I AM SOOO EXCITED TO BE JOINING THIS TEAM!!!! Thank you So much to Gerri-anne and PamB and all the current Design Team for the welcome! These girls I think are even a little crazier than me :D . And when I get back, I will have some more exciting news! But gonna make you wait on that!

2 more days

2 more days til we leave. 2 more days to squeeze in 3 ball games, packing suitcaes, packing boat with food etc, finish up all that laundry, finish school, pay bills, yikes! but it will be sooo worth it! weather looks like it is supposed to be warming up! I did this layout a while back using Kasier Craft papers. I know Gerrianne has them in stock at KNK . She also has tons of bling and Kaiser Craft bling is probably one of my favorites. 100 pieces for less than $3 wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a value!!! while you are there you could always order June Kit too! love cute little penguins come on you know you want to! *wink* not much else going on in the Pozzi household, Crabby kids, exhausted parents, Ball games, packed and partially packed items all other the place! Just another week :D

Happy Wednesday

its been 4 years now since we got to go to Aruba! still love the colors from that place. the white sand the bluest oceans! the techincolor downtown in Oranjested! I used my KNK June Kit! and some glimmer mist on the felt alphas! Note when using glimmer mist on the felt I found it worked best to spray the glimmer mist onto a plate and dab it onto the letters with a cotton ball. (otherwise the letters get too soggy!) and those acrylic flip flops are just adorable!!!!!!

Happy Tuesday!

The long weekend is done! Now only 4 more days til we head out. And we have things scheduled every night. and School isn't done til Friday. SO I will try to keep up with laundry, the house and pack! This layout I completed for s recipe contest at ACOT . I loved the final result!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

The official start to summer and a time to remeber fallen heroes. Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday! We are feverishly trying to bake and cook for our upcoming vacation!

Softball Season

Softball season gets a little hectic around here. This Year Jim manages Sarah's team and assists the manager on the Meagan's team. double the practices, double the games! Thi layout was last year when in the midst of allstar season he decided to play on a friends team for a charity tournament! FUN!

Chillin at the park

Softball Season has started once again and part of the fun is hanging out at the park watching the games. I created this layout using KNK's June Kit. I love the fun the penguins add to it! and the zig zags! I used the Crafters Workshop template to create the background. FUN! VACATION STARTS SOON! 9 days til we leave!!!!!!!! :D

More Summer Fun Pages with KNK kit

I am really loving this KNK Kit. SO much FUN in it!!! I really feltlike playing and splashing with this kit. KNK also has Glimmer Chips and Screens in stock. Here is a card I mad playing around witht he Glimmer Screens and Glimmer mist.

Pool Fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Creation with my FUN KNK kit. what can be more fun than playing in the pool! The paper in the kit are just so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! The May issue of Scrapbook News and Review came out and I have 3 items in there!!!!!!! I think I have 4 but have found number 4 yet but they were having a few technical difficulties! but wow this magazine rocks!!!!!!! so as a bonus here is a sketch :D


I just couldnt wait to play with the kit from KNK and made this adorable little card. I used versamark with the flip flop stamps ( aren't they the cutest?????!!!!!!!). Then ink the Hula Penguin with 2 shades of ink and colored in her suit with a glitter pen. Isnt this fun! This kit would be perfect for summer party invitations too! I also got to play a little with the May Kit from KNK and made this. It is three dimensional as the title, pearls and scroll are on top of the acrylic piece. I lost my light while trying to take a picture.

WAHOOO!!!!!!!! I am Guest Designer this Month at KNK

I have the amazing opportunity to work with the gals at KNK this month as the guest designer! The gals here are just awesome and fun!!! and a little rowdy. Not only that but I got to work with this amazing kit! In the next few days I will be sharing my creations! This kit was super fun and a special thanks to all my friends at KNK

Featured Sketch Artist -check me out :D

Look here I Am the featured Sketch artist at Sisterhood of Scrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tooo FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! if you use the sketch let me know! Also playing all day today at KNK and their Spring Krop! I was even asked to post a few challenges ;) .. SO let the weekedn scrapping begin!


KNK is having an online crop this weekend in the scrapbook cafe!!!!!!!!!! It looks like it will be tons of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come out and play!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day!!!! Hi mom! :D Hope you all had a great day. If you are looking for some fun next weekend be sure to check out KNK. They will be having an online crop this weekend in the Scrapbook Cafe ! Lots of fun friendly faces there. As you can see from the picture spring is finally coming to our neighborhood!!!!!!!! FINALLY. Planted lots of annuals yesterday and hoping they didnt get washed away in the heavy rains last night! or blow away in the strong winds! yikes!

a huge hoorrray to my dear friends Pam and Jules

Pam is a guest designer and Jules made honorable mention in Scrap Scene's Trendy Contest ! And Jules has some awesome kits available on her blog . CONGRATS to both of you! check out their blogs on the left hand side!:D On the home front we had orientation tonight for Junior high for Sarah. so next year 2 in jr high and 1 in kindergarten. yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! going be an interesting school year!


I found a wonderful kit club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And got their May kit today!! It is so yummy! You can check it out at Kit N Kaboodles ! They also have a fun message board and board chats on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sundays! This kit includes a large acrylic page very cool! If you don't see me for a while you know why. Happy scrapping

WAHOO I Had a Scrappy weekend

I did 6 layouts, 4 cards and a magnet! and I even like most of them :D This weekend it was fun to create for me! not for submitting! not for any DT assignments! Just to play, document anad have a good time! even tho I didnt get as much time to play as I hoped I cannot complain! I had a blast!!!!!!!!!! Which is what scrapping should be all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D and as you can see by the flower layout. spring is finally coming to my neighborhood!!!!!!

a Sketch for you

One of the things I miss right now is Uploading my Monthly Sketch at CSS. SO I decided in honor of National Scrapbooking Day I would give you all a sketch! If you use this would you link me up so I can pay homage to your work ??? pretty please??? NOw get scrapping!