25 July 2010

Color me Crazy fun!

The Petaloo Color me Crazy flowers are by far my favorite flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that they come in all sizes and flower shapes. I love everything you can do with them. You can use them as is as a white flower, you can spritz then with Smooch spray or glimmer mist, you can stamp on them you can cut the 5 petal one and make them into butterflies, you can color them with copics...which is kinda what I did here.

I used a copic marker to color just the edges of the flower to match the paper. I then made the layered flower using this technique that Kathy linked up for us on the message board. The colors in the first card are a little off. (I really think my camera photo software is a little funky it doesn't always do what i want it to do :( ) The second picture shows the true colors.

Looking at the close up I now think I could/should have added a touch of Glossy Accents or glitter to the flower edges. So, what have you done with these flowers??? Don't miss these flowers currently in the August Kit add-on section in the KnK Mall. The papers and the lace are in the August KnK Kit.

22 July 2010

Gini is having a anniversary giveaway

Check out this awesome giveaway on Gini's Blog! altho I really hate to share it cuz I would love to win it myself. but if a friend wins it that is ok too!

and speaking of anniversaries..... Happy anniversary to my parents!!!!!!!!!

18 July 2010

Knk's August kit and a storage tip

Check out the August kit from KnK...isn't it lovely?!?! I absolutely cannot wait for the lace and the corrugated alphas and the pinwheels!!!! fun fun fun!
As for the Storage tip... I have a lot of ribbon. I was storing them all on the small floss holder cards, which works great for fibers and thin ribbons. but lately I am loving wider ribbons and frankly I had bought a lot of spools that just got thrown in the drawer and the ribbons I used most frequently were just in a large ziploc. I am not know for my neatness, but knew i wanted a neater way to store them where it didn't matter the size of the ribbon, and I wanted them stored by colors. So I did a quick google search which eventually led me to this older blog post from Gale. I loved the idea and set out to start immediately. Loved that the pins hold the ribbon. Becareful not to stick ppins all the wa through the boards though cuz it hurts. It took several night says of wrappiing ribbon while watching the kids play the Wii or watching TV, 2 1/2 foam boards and over 300 pins but I got them all done. I had them neatly stored in the plastic shoe boxes but they wouldnt fit in the drawer. So I finally just used the drawer as the holder. This is what they look like.

I cut each 20x30 board into 25 4x6 pieces. First I drew out the cut lines then I used a scissor blade to cut/score along the lines. I then foded the board along the lines and turned the boards over and cut/scored again one more fold and they broke apart along the lines (although i did have to trim a few up. Let me know how you store your ribbon or even if you try this :D

Star Themed Card Set for Star Wars Day!

  Welcome crafty stampers to today's Craft Room Therapy.  Today we are celebrating Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!) by creati...