23 September 2006

well a new day

looks like I missed Thursady and Friday. but we were getting ready for bday party! 10 girls for a sleepover! but I am just getting them all woke up ealry. one has to leave at 7:30. the rest by nine as I have a soccer game

20 September 2006

ok day 2

this still hasn't changed much as I don't know what I am doing.....

why in the world would anyone want to hear me ramble on???? But I was able to add a picture for today! 1 thing at a time I guess

19 September 2006

now how in the @#$%

do I get links etc on here?!?!?!!!! GRRRRRRRRR

today is the day

I am entering the blogging world? Why I am not sure as I am busy enough without trying to add this to my list. BUt, I have never tried this and I am not about to back down from a challenge. So here goes..........

Star Themed Card Set for Star Wars Day!

  Welcome crafty stampers to today's Craft Room Therapy.  Today we are celebrating Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!) by creati...