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Showing posts from February, 2011

A Girl can never have too many friends

Just me and some friend enjoying a New Year's Eve. Missing is the photo of those 2 mysterious people who decided to jump into the picture with us. :D I have never scrapped used these colors. Pinks and greys..... not sure how I feel about those colors but I guess they are ok. So what projects are you working on??

Diamonds are a Girl's best friend

I created this layout for my Monday Challenge at SOS! My challenge was to use at least 3 different fonts in your title! I used 5! These are pictures from last year's season. She has switched teams this year and is having a blast! Can't wait til that first tournament!!!! Papers are from the February SH Kit.

Alex and the Money Machine

I created this layout for my Sketch Challenge at Sisterhood of Scrap . I have been really trying to put more than one picture on a layout. I mean sometimes the picture needs to stand alone, but sometimes more than one picture tells a more complete story. Plus I have tons of pictures and if I use only 1 on each layout can you imagine the stack of layouts i would have???? Here is the sketch I posted for SOS. Speaking of which why don't you come join us this month. We have I think over 30 challenges posted for our month long crop event Your Crop, Your Way. Great way to get some scrapping done.

Been awhile

It has been a few days since I posted. Since then we have had a huge major snowstorm that actually closed down everything for a few days! Official reports I was hearing was about 20.5 inches of snow with terrible drifting. But we are dug out of that and back to normal so to speak. I have been scrapping a little, but not as much as I would like. But then again I would like to scrap every day. ;) I created this layout using the January kit from Scrapbook Heaven. I have discovered it is difficult to take good pictures of Meagan performing for the dance/kick squad. Lots of blurry pics! We have managed to get a few good ones. Hope you have a great day!

Happy Birthday to my baby girl

Happy 14th Birthday to my sweet baby girl! and you got a snow day too!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a great day! Maybe we can have a monopoly game later!!!! :D