12 August 2009

Another Provocraft Make n Take

As you can imagine the lines waiting to make these Make n Takes at the Provocraft booth were long!!! We happened to be early to make this one... which is a chocolaty brown that matches my newly remodeled bedroom. They just arrived home yesterday as I had to trust them to Jules to mail home to me since neither of these would fit in my suitcase!!!!!!! BTW sorry for the non-cropped photos. I took these while at CHA and forgot to crop them all nice and neat

ugh Meagan starts high school..and Lets just say I have had 1 or 2 nightmares about her behaving even remotely like me in high school

1 comment:

JulesinParadise said...

adore your new banner and blog look...BRAVO

Daisy Daydream KIt

  Time is running out to order your March “ Daisy Daydream” Paper Pumpkin Kit.   Order before March 10 th !   Paper Pumpkin is the perfect ...