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Showing posts from November, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you to Maddy and Pam who both gave me this award!!! Thanks ladies.. Now I get to nominate people that inspire me....and of course leave them a message so they can do the same... So I nominate.....these are all linked on the left :D JULES KIP DEB Kimberly In other news... Thanksgiving was wonderful wow I ate tooo much!!!! and yes I was one of those goofy people up shopping too early .. then the tree is up. and trying to scrap this weekend.. hope you all had a great weekend. Be sure to check out KNK 's message board for 12 days of Holiday gift giving..

A few more cards

I made these cards for a card contest at Memories from the Attic . Challenges are always good they expand your mind and artistic opportunities :D. These were done for the shape card challenge and for the vintage card challenge. I also finished a project for an upcoming event at KNK and a Halloween Layout!!!

Yuletide Greetings Card kit

Wahoo My latest Card kit is up!!!!! including product from Tinkering Ink, Hambly , Kaiser Craft, Ranger, Bazzill and Petaloo it is a MUST have!!!!! Includes dual greetings both Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy it!!!! and As always PLENTY OF PAPER TO MAKE EXTRAS!!!!!!! (and if you use both sets of greetings you have enough greetings for 16 cards :D ) AS always this is available at KNK and our Sister Site Creativity Boutique

let it snow let it snow the KNK kit is up!!!

KNK's DECEMBER KIT is up!!!!!!!!!!! and isnt it gorgeous!!!!!???????? I had sooo much fun playing with this kit!!!! here are 2 of my creations !!!

Our Haunted house

I wanted to show you what I have been working on. My first themed mini album!!! (of course I was playing with my December KNK kit too :D I am also having fun making cards for a card contest over at Memories from The Attic! hope you enjoy my album. With any luck I will have my next kit up very very soon and be able to share!!!

Another Creation from KNK's November kit

I just love love love this kit! The colors are just soooo awesome! and of course my December kit just came in the mail! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to cut into it!!! but I first had to finish up my next card kit!!!!!!! KNK and I (and Creativity Boutique) will be revealing this very soon! Can't wait to share it with you!!!!!!!!!!!!

THe doctor was pleased:D

I on the other hand HATE HATE HATE their scales :( based on my home scale I have lost 30 lbs. according to his about 23 :( that is a huge difference! but oh well.... and the other thing my blood pressure was HIGH! no way it has been running low until that day.. no clue what is up with that. maybe something I ate! but the bestest news was the cholesterol !!!!!!!!! I went from 275 (way high) to 208 almost in normal range!!!! all the other " cholesterol" numbers adjusted accordingly too!!! so another 6 months of eating good and then another blood test!!!!! Once again I am so thankful that I got another chance to eat healthy.!!!! in the scrappy news.... don't forget to take a look at Thankful Harvest Card Kit at KNK and Creativity Boutique ... I think there are still a few left.... They are not thanksgiving cards (but could be used for that) but rather Thank You cards made with the Beautiful Loverly Collection from GCD Studios!!!! AND Watch for Some of my Sketches ...

Well Today is the Day

I go back to the doctor today. It has been 4 months since I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Today is My followup appointment. They are also checking my cholestrol which was HIGH 3 months ago.. I have made a lot of lifestyle changes since this all started! I AM STILL CAFFIENE FREE!!!!!! an amazing feat for all who know me!!!!!!! I have lost 30 pounds according to my scale!!!!! 30 pounds!!!! unbelieveable!!!!! I eat much more healthier foods!!! at all meals!!!!! I should be very proud... but mostly I am very thankful! Thankful that God gave me a chance to undo the years of my bad diet. I am completely aware that many don't get that chance. Thankful that he has helped me when I had no will power. Thankful that I have many friends (in real life and in cyber space) that have walked beside me along the way!!!!! I hope the doctor agrres with me and that he is willing to take me off the blood pressures medications... hopeful that I am not trading it for cholestr...

more goodies from the November KNK kit

I really enjoyed this kit! The colors are awesome! all the embellishments, the addons! I really think every kit gets better and better! you really ought to try them *wink* I cant' wait to see what Gerrianne Has in store for us for December!!! check them out at KNK