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Showing posts from April, 2007

Where o where did April go????

Wow can u believe that April is over???? But that Means MAY and new DT products, new contests, THE CROP IS SOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!! We posted the DT goodies early this Month just because we felt like it (well there was another reason but cant share just yet!). here are some of my creations using the yummiest LAurel Scnie Route paper. (you know how I LOVE Scenic Route!) I believe this may be my last official Pagemaps creation for CSS as Carmna has asked me to create my own ISLAND MAPS to share with you!!!!!! Watch for one tomorrow and at least one monthly. probably more! Isnt it exciting (well for me it is LOL) Creating my own sketches....:) ANd then Ana Cabrera is coming ot our Crop! Those that know me Know I am a total crop junkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I cant wait!

I've been Tagged

Now for the tag! I have been tagged by scrapnnMO .so these are the rules...Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well . At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!OK, here goes... 1. I love the color Red 2. Carmarel Macchioato Is my Favorite coffee at starbucks 3. I am wearing a lime green sweater today... 4. I am hoping to get mail today before DH and hide the evidence :) 5. I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, a bird and a tank full of fish ----SILENCE is non-existent at my house 6. I love reading Stephen King novels 7. IN the summer I test mosquitoes for West NIle Virus. Fun huh??? ok I tagged Pam , Carman , and Keri

A little behind

in the blog world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots going on softball practices, track meets and just plain everyday life seem to be interfering. but lots going on.. Dont forget Donna Downey is coming to the Shack on April 26th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be sure to join us! And our first crop JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE will be held on May 5th. there will be lots of prizes and fun and a chat with Ana Cabrera ! and on the home front. Sarah had a followup DR appointment today. She is on the mend and is breathing well. and we begin an asthma management program. Dr. warned me thought she is ATOPIC - which means i guess highly sensitive to allergens and they can cause whole body responses. She has severe eczema, allergies, and asthma. poor girl! but she is looking well today so thats good! Got a package in the mail today. Goodies I ordered from CSS plus some secret DT stuff for may!!!!!!!!!!! hurry up weekend get here so i can play! Regarding Virginia Tech My heart and prayers go out ...

wahoo another Basic Grey TOOT

I tried forever to get into that gallery and in a week or so I have gotten 3 layouts chosen!!!!!!!!!!! I am on cloud nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Carman at CSS has asked me to create ISLAND MAPS for the site! My very own sketches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well here is my latest sketch and layout!


Happy Easter to you and your family. Myself trying to take time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for me and you! `Because He Lives I can face tomorrow!

Well Its Saturday

What a week!. Sarah is really strating to do better (but i still think asthma sucks). The steroids have kicked and making her a little irritable (a little????) . Today is the EGG day. we go to moms and color them. should be fun!

Asthmas SUCKS!

SUnday started out normal....but she was really coughing in church..(saturady she had been wheezy and wanting the nebulizer treatment instead of her inhaler) we gave her a treatment when we got home from church.. 2 hour later she was wanting/needing another (not good! supposed to be every 4 hours-but we know from past experience we can do every 2 hours if needed), 2 hours later low temp (99.1) and more treatment. and by 2 hours she is really struggling. (this was a bad sign and we were starting to recognize it! so treatment and a shower. within an hour she was crying for another and really struggling (not good needing it at shorter frequencies is a huge red flag for asthmatics) so we gave her a treatment and paged doctor. They wanted her checked out and a chest xray. so 5:30ish sunday night off to ER (after finding someone for alex/ meagan.) in ER (first time) chest xray, oxygen, steroids.(big dose)....with oxygen she is doing well. xrays show bronchitis(but no pnemonia) so ...


A big day for me... (no Foolin since its april fool day!). I finally made in into the BASIC GREY online gallery with the Stupid Girls-Not Layout!!!!!!!!!! wahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why am I yelling..because everyone here is still sleeping and I am soo excited. I have been trying to get into that gallery for years!!!!!!!!!!! AND APril 1st means a new pagemaps Newsletter. ANd I am supposed to have a layout in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)