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Showing posts from October, 2010

Family Times

Here is another one using Quick Quotes Summertime Blues collection from Creativity Boutique. I did this for a challenge at Citrus Tree Studio. The challenge was to use a hand made photo corner! WOW its been a long time since I did that!! Writing this is making me a little teary eyed as my grandfather is currently failing and will be joining his Creator soon. THis picture happily reminds me there were lots of time in the not so distant past that his was mobile and able to enjoy family functions! edited to add: sadly the probelm with pre-planning posting is sometimes you have to edit them. Grandpa is now with God and we are missing him greatly but celebrating him, his life and the fact that he is in Heaven and finally pain free!!!

I am missing summer temperatures

I am missing those pool days already. Our temperatures are downright cold already in the evenings. Anyways... I created this layout for an Art Inspiration Challenge at Citrus Tree Studio using the Summertime Blues Collection from Quick Quotes available at Creativity Boutique. I just loved the blues and greens in this collection :D