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Showing posts from May, 2009

KnK Reveal #1

Here is my first layout with KnK's June Kit On the home front we are moved into our newly remodeled bedroom! :D Still need a little bit of trim and the closet organizer installed ... but we are getting there!!!! Soon we will be moving onto rooms 3 & 4 of the remodel which are destined to become one room :D This will be the most trying part of the remodel process as it is in the center of the house and we will have to walk through the rooms to gettting around the house.

I am still here!!!! and look at KnK's June Kit

Sorry I went missing in action for a while!!! life kinda got in the way!!! between the remodeling project (which by the way we are putting finishing touches on room #2 today) , 3 softball teams, tournaments, sick kiddies, storms and trees falling on roof and busy work schedule (swine flu hit the states and that meant work!) I have barely had time to think!!!!!! I am still scrapping and will be sharing my latest creations with KnK's June kit soon!!! which by the way you need this kit! Check it out