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Showing posts from April, 2008

WAHOO My first publlication is available

I am sooooooooo excited. I have 2 cards in the READY SET CREATE CARD Edition!!!! Totally made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I can say I am published. Its official :D I have a few more happy emails to share but am afraid to jinx myself ;) . The kids are all doing well and we had a momumental night in our household last night....... are you ready for this??? ....... are you? ........ALL 3 KIDDIES fell asleep in their own beds AND stayed in their own bed the ENTIRE NIGHT!!!!! wahoo!

HIYA.. Not much a happening

Look what i made??? hoping I have more use for it! :D I am so excited I have 3 cards coming out in the Ready Set Create Card Special edition and a layout and article coming out in . So hoping I didn't Jinx myself now by creating this image. You who know my know that I don't like to share until things are close just in case the Jinx gremlins are listening. Weekend was good spent a little time scrapping and a lot of time trying to photograph a hitchhiker on a rock in our fish tank. See him the feathery antenae sticking up???? in the middle of the tube worms?? odd little guy huh? any ideas what he is??
My Blog was awarded the Arte y Pico Award. Thank you Jules! Here is how this works. I will nominate 5 others whose blogs I find inspiring and they, in turn, can nominate 5 others. So....Pam G, Alecia, Keri, Carman, and Janna ..consider yourselves nominated.

a new bike!!!

Alex got a new Bike for his 5th birthday!!!! He is growing like a weed! and is sooooo proud of his bike and the spiderman helmet to go with it!!!!! Can't believe that he is going to kindergarten soon! I am working on a few new sketches hoping to share one or 2 soon :D what do you like to see in sketches ? cards? 1 page? 2 page?? let me know

wow I have been so blessed lately

I was very saddened when my dear friend Carman had to close CSS. It had been my Scrappy Home for over a year! However when one door closes another opens. In the week or so since CSS closed I have had 3 cards picked up for publication in an online Magazine!! WAHOOO!!!!!!!! and been asked to do an upcoming guest designer spot as well as some other thing I just can't share yet.... I have also found a yummy kit club!!!!!!!!!! :D KNK has a new Kit up and wow!!!!!! the colors are so rich. I cannot wait til it hits more door step. wahoo! not much else is going on as work is crazy busy but soon it will be the weekend!!!!! and SCRAPTIME!

Happy Birthday Alex

I cannot believe it! Alex is FIVE!!! That went fast!!!!!!!!!! I told him the other day I am gonna stop feeding him since he is growing like a weed! All of them are!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday little guy! by the way he LOVED his cake and No I did not make this one. :D But i did buy some pirate paper to go with it :D

What a week

I am so ready for vacation! How many more weeks til June?? Of Course I saw what looks like snow for that area forecasted for this week. Hoping desperately that it is gone by June . I created this layout while thinking about vacation. Sarah caught this bass and was so proud last year! I also was challenged to use beads on a layout at an online site. so I ran the flower center upside down thru mine xyron and dipped them in beads! and today is the Birthday party for Alex! My baby boy is gonna be Five! Yikes! and as far as Meagan...... She is still "in love" with the Jonas Brothers :D

Well THis would have been my CSS Upload

a little Bittersweet here. I really enjoyed this last CSS kit designed by Cheri Fletcher. SO much fun. Above you can see how I used the Flower I created totally Inspired by ScrapScene's Scrapping Spring . This Fish -y card features Crafty Secrets Stamps! I just think they are the cutest :D

My latest sketch

This was posted on CSS so if you were looking for it here it is...along with my take on it.

OK I cannot stop with these flowers

These layered flowers from Scrapscene's Scrapping Spring E book are fun and easy.. Here I free style cut the flowers out. Patterns are provided in the book I just was too lazy to trace them. My bad. So for this flower I stamped the flowers with several different stamps ( Crafty Secrets, Carolee's, Basic Grey, and Close to my Heart). Then I played with my 4 new colors of glimmer mist ( coral, pineapple, kiwi and patina ). I even glimmer misted the white ribbon, the tags and the faux crystal buckle to match. :D

Thinking Spring

Flowers aren't blooming yet here in Illinois but I am having fun creating flowers. This one was created using a layered technique featured in Scrapscene's Scrapping Spring E-book. I changed it a little bit in that I free style cut the flowers then replaced the center with a giant brad. THe papers you see here are from my latest CSS kit called Papa's Clubhouse . BOth the kit and Scrapscne's book made for an inspiring weekend :D On the home front.... Jim came home with a bag load of fishing tackle and new fishing line and a new crappie pole! The family fishing trip is now less than 2 months away! The kids are so excited and so are we! I told a few Wisconsin friends that I hope all their snow is gone by then :D We are also hoping the trip is a little less adventurous than last year which included storms before we left, twisters, car fires (yes ours) and a new boat that would run.

CSS April Kit Reveal

Cheri does such an awesome job with these kits! Here are a few of my creations with the April Kit. (The April kit sold out almost immediately, but we have a few (just a few) May Kits available. sign up before these are gone.. You may be able see I was also playing with my New Cricut Cartridge :D