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Showing posts from February, 2007

wahoo NEw store is IN

and to quote Carmen is a big girl store.....but Message and gallery are still being transfered. don't worry Donald made a complete backup and all your work is there, its just still being transferred. Carman and Donald are working as quickly as they can to get it moving.

Sunday! Sunday!

And a new host for CSS! Wahoo! If you are here because you can't access the site. Be Patient. Donald is moving the site. try deleteing your cookies and and then try again! wow I even got to scrap this weekend! FUN FUN! I will have to upload them later for you to see! only 3 more days til we announce the DT and then the guest DT for CSS wahoo!

wow it's Saturday already

what a week! DT call on CSS in done. now the deciding begins. So many fantastic entries. Carman and I are really having a tough time. Plus they are changing the Cart system for the better. I got my March and April supplies from CSS and wow the March one is COSMO CRICKET DUTCH GIRL> and I need more of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so far I did my PageMaps layout and a card. still have a little left over :). Well volleyball season is officailly over! It ended with the tournament today. Meagan's team finished 3rd. Still not thrilled with the coach's coaching skills (well lack of). But oh well she enjoyed the season and was sorry to see it end..well back to looking at DT entries and getting ready for the new DT

Its Monday!

and Its a HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WORK (except housework) and NO SCHOOL! wahoo. hoping for some quality scrapping time. CSS just got in the NEW COSMO CRICKET LINES I Can't wait to play with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna get some for my March Page Maps!!!!!!!! wahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! and other "products" are in route. I can't wait. I need a shopping fix! :)

wow what a week

From snow days to games to becoming the DT Coordinator for CSS! Thats right me?!?!?! and Carmna is so patient and working with me. and wow the Talent on the site is totally rocking!!!!!! Tonight Sarah had a sleepover and Meagan and I completed ChristiWright's first CSS class and wow the card albums were beautiful! Meagan's totally rocked!!!!! looky.... 7 bv Meagan played an awesome volleyball game last night and then told us she has her self portrait being sent to the county art show! this will be her 2nd entry!!!! WOW and Sarah got A+ on her social studies test. what a week!!!!!!!

ok getting some mojo back

it left when it saw the awful layout I did saturday night. I was able to complete a couple of layouts today. Alexc was very good today!. maybe I can get a snow day tomorrow and play some more... Here is one of Alex flying the airpalnes at Grand Bear Lodge. He had such a blast flying those airplanes he went from one to another to another.

well its sunday!

and everyone in my house is CRANKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No scrapping today as Sarah closet collapsed and we decided to go thru it all. then the storage room. didn't get much done yesterday as Sarah had her Friend b-day party. Fun at a local indoor amusement park. I did manage to creat this planter box. based on the awesome coaster boxe s Keri has been making.What cha think??

well its Thursday....

and Meagan had another away game. Jim said she was HOT! and even scored YEAH BABY! Still brutally cold here. did manage to get Sarah's bday party planned for Saturday. So far tonight i had started laundry, put away walmart supplies, dealt with dogs, made supper for me and 2 of the kids, making a cake (it is in the oven) so that I can frost it tomorrow night! Ran the dishwasher...whew tired..... can't wait for the weekend so I can finish the lo I have on my scrap bench! purple white and black. cool! not much else really going on just dealing with every day stuff so I am thankful! See ya tomorrow. Meagan has a dance

another day

well the superbowl is over. not the outcome we hoped for.... but had fun anyways. made some venison chili YUMMY! tasted really good! and I made it*shock* Got 1 layout done and another started. had Sarah's family birthday party and she even stopped playing SIMS long enough to join us! Meagan's team won their volleyball game YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! she did great. %^$ Coach kept taking her out right before it was time for her to serve! &*^%.

wahoo a little scrapping for me....

I got to scrap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow. got to create using my cuttlebug embossing folders! and completed some challenges on CSS! Soo FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even did a card based on one of Becky Fleck's sketches!!!!!!!!! now to cook supper and frost a butterfly cake!

Happy Birthday Sarah!

10 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting bitterly cold here. still fighting this stupid cold and want to curl up under a blanket and hibernate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah is the Cool Cat in Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed a day!

well life has been hectic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! between vollyball, hockey, church, work, colds, birthday planning and a new puppy we are exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But soon we will be slowing down. Hoping to get some scrapping in this weekend especially spying all the awesome eyecandy in the CSS gallery! I have a few better pics of Charlie but they are at home. so you'll will have to wait. Tomorrow my baby girl turns TEN!!!!!!!!! hard to believe seems like only yesterday she was born...all 9 lbs 7oz , 22 1/2 inches of her!:)